About Us

[vc_section_title style=”2″ title=”Who ” title_bold=”We Are” icon=”vc_li vc_li-heart”][/vc_section_title]

GSR 3600 Ltd has established itself as an integral part of the Nigerian economy with an integrated Oil & Gas, Engineering, Construction, Facility Management, Project Management,  Media buying, Television and Radio programming, Publishing, Modelling agency Consulting, humanitarian and service-orientated organization, positioning itself as one of the leading business houses in Nigeria.

The Group is strategically positioned for the desired flexibility and versatility to keep ahead of local competition while keeping pace with the ever-evolving global business scenario.

We are also poised to deliver solutions to our client’s technical, procurement problems and provide project management services as needed.  for commercial, institutional, and government clients.

GSR 3600 Ltd has developed an all encompassing facility management app (CFM360) that incorporates effective access control.

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[vc_section_title title=”LEARN MORE ABOUT GSR360″ icon=”vc_li vc_li-diamond”]The Group comprises of a diverse range of strategically positioned operating subsidiaries and associate companies with Oil & Gas, Engineering, Construction, Project / Facility Management, Media, structured to give the GSR 360 the flexibility and versatility to keep ahead of local competition while keeping pace with the ever-evolving global business scenario.[/vc_section_title]
[service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GSR 360 OIL & GAS” icon=”vc_li vc_li-truck”]At GSR 360 OIL & GAS, we offers a range of services to the oil and gas industry in Nigeria including:
Design and construction of Petroleum storage facilities for White products, Aviation Fuel, LPFO, Base oil and Bitumen.
Design and Installation of Hydrant pipelines in aviation facilities.
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of offshore production and storage facilities.
Design (Basic, FEED, detail engineering, Procurement, Fabrication & Construction and commissioning of bulk and process plant in the upstream
Dredging, reclamation & shore protection, Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) piping, NDT (non destructive testing) services and much more.
Pro-active approach chemical & hydro jet (hydro blasting / high pressure washing) cleaning, Instrumentation and calibration, blasting & painting of on-shore and off-shore installations.
EPCI, QAQC, Pipeline construction and steel erection.

[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”BMDC CHANNELS” icon=”vc_li vc_li-video”]The BMDC Channels is a creative, full-service video and audio production company, located in Lagos, Nigeria. Our rich history of providing exceptional quality at excellent value spans more than one decade[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GSR360 ARTSHOP” icon=”vc_li vc_li-photo”]GSR360 Artshop markets all genre of Art works ranging from Photo-art, Paintings, Ceramics, and Sculptor etc. It is in this vein, we wish to partner with your establishment to display and sell our high class art works to you esteemed customers[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”OMOREGIE PALM RESORT NIG LTD” icon=”vc_li vc_li-food”]Omoregie Palm Resort Ltd is a company that has great potentials in human resources and development of agriculture for local and international consumption[/service_box_single]

[service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GSR 360 ENGINEERING” icon=”vc_li vc_li-truck”]At GSR 360 ENGINEERING, provides high-quality MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) and ELV solutions for various range of sectors in the Oil & Gas and construction environment.

The company hold both engineering and construction capabilities and utilizes it to provide personalized, professional, cost effective solutions to our clients without compromising the quality.
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Structural Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering (High, Low and Extra Low voltage)
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Process Engineering
Corrosion Engineering
Fire Fighting Design
Pipeline, Valve fittings, Repairs / Maintenance Services.
Drilling/Drilling Support Services.
Technical Consultancy Services.[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GAMMA COMMUNICATIONS” icon=”vc_li vc_li-pen”]Ideas rule the world, and we know it. Thus from the onset, we never saw ourselves as just advertising people, but as “ideas & strategy merchants” – people who sell ideas and provide services that improve the Client’s bottom-line.[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GSR360 COUNSELORS” icon=”vc_li vc_li-study”]GSR 360 Counselors is one of the foremost relationship therapy organisations in Nigeria. It provides high quality training and clinical work in the field of systemic psychotherapy with lovers, families, couples, teenagers and individuals[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”JINE COUTURE” icon=”vc_li vc_li-heart”]Jine Couture is a couturier that has been active in the fashion industry for 2 years. Established from Jine’s passion for fashion, the company has grown to being one of the most successful couture brands in Nigeria. The brand is a fabulous platform fueled by prayers and dreams. [/service_box_single]

[service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GSR 360 FACILITY MANAGERS” icon=”vc_li vc_li-truck”]At GSR 360 FACILITY MANAGERS, provides facility management services that encompass proven processes, quality assurance, and specialized management techniques for your building or facilities. We’ve provided building management services to hundreds of customers, including many with critical infrastructure requirements where safe, reliable, and uninterrupted service is essential.

By bundling facility-related services through a single service provider, you can significantly reduce operating costs and streamline building operation and management.
[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”UBA OMEGA SYSTEMS SERVICES” icon=”vc_li vc_li-key”]We are a firm of project managers with diverse competencies in engineering which Electrical, Building and Construction, Telecommunications. Simply put, UBA OMEGA SYSTEMS. is in business to give your business maximum output in engineering management and monitoring structure.[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GSR 360 STUDIOS” icon=”vc_li vc_li-music”]Our services include video and audio production pre-production to post production, full production management, and editing, full video coverage / recording, prop/set construction,talent casting, production of audio / musical contents, jingles and much more.[/service_box_single][service_box_single type=”3″ title=”GEOSOL CONSTRUCTION NIGERIA LIMITED” icon=”vc_li vc_li-paperplane”]GEOSOL, serving as your Civil and General Contractor, is uniquely qualified to deliver to you a quality project, along with high value for your construction dollar. GEOSOL is a detailed “hands-on” contractor who carefully manages every step of the construction process.[/service_box_single]

The Group comprises of a diverse range of strategically positioned operating subsidiaries and associate companies.